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Development of WinCvs/MacCvs/gCvs.

Browse CVS Repository

  • Browse the cvs tree of WinCvs/MacCvs/gCvs.

SourceForge foundry for cvsgui

  • The project is now hosted by SourceForge, see the development home page.

Anonymous CVS repository access

  • User: anonymous
  • Password:
  • Host:
  • Cvsroot: /cvsroot/cvsgui
  • In the cvs client, fill the CVSROOT field with "".
  • Use cvs login and enter the empty password.
  • Issue a "cvs co -c" in the console in order to get the modules available (WinCvsSrc, MacCvsSrc, GCvsSrc...).
  • To get the latest gCvs version (GTK2) you have to use the GCvsSrc2 module with the tag GCVS_GTK2.
  • For MacCvs and gCvs after checking out the module you need to update the "cvs-1.10" folder or "cvsunix" folder with the current branch.
  • The current branch has the form CVSGUI111X (X is the minor version). Find out the latest branch using CVS repository. It is currently CVSGUI111 (CVSGUI1112 for latest development).
  • For the latest WinCvs (that is WinCvsSrc module for versions later than 1.3b10) the cvs client code is not a part of the application. If needed, it can be obtained from CVSNT home page.
  • Older WinCvs versions are to be found as WinCvsSrcOld module and should be checked out using explicit version tag.

Submitting patches / Write CVS repository access

  • You can send patches directly using the Source Forge Tracker.
  • Explain the patch and add the source code as an attachment (you can make an attachment after committing the report).
  • The policy for having a write access to the cvs repository is very simple : ask for it. You'll need to open an account at SourceForge and send your SourceForge userid and login along with your request.
  • But you should have previously submitted one or two patches before.

Sending bug reports

  • Use the Source Forge Tracker. You need to set-up an account so you keep being updated when a bug state changes.
  • First query the database for avoiding duplicate reports (you can corroborate an existing bug).
  • Add an attachment if necessary : you can do an attachment after committing the report.
  • Please be as descriptive as possible : remember to give exact error messages, version number of both your client and server.

That's all folks. If you have comments or suggestions email CvsGui mailing list.
$Date: 2006/08/03 08:18:43 $